Which days in Megilas Taanis still apply? In which year did the rabbis establish Taanis Esther(TE)? How does TE differ from other fast days? Which fast does TE commemorate? Which fast can fall on Friday? When does one fast when Purim falls on Sunday? When does the fast end? Why did R Chaim not want an aliya on TE? If a bris occurs on TE, who can eat? Can one break one's fast prior to the megila? Are the 24 books of Tanach biblical? Is Megilas Esther different than the other books in Tanach? How do chumash, neviim and kesuvinm differ? What is the new covenant? What aspect of Torah was accepted on Purim? How does the yetzer hara change and how do we protect ourselves from it? Why would the Gra' say that one should go on the NORPAC Mission?
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