Rabbi Allen Schwartz

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Rabbi Allen Schwartz, of Congregation Ohab Zedek, has been teaching Bible for the past 18 years at Yeshiva University, where he holds the Raymond J. Greenwald Chair in Jewish Studies.

He is currently writing his doctoral thesis on the methodology of Rashi and has published on the themes of Bible, Rabbinics and Halakha. He has taught at the Manhattan Day School for the past two years. Rabbi Schwartz writes Bible curriculum for Jewish day schools and lectures extensively for the Board of Jewish Education of New York. He serves on the executive board of the Rabbinical Council of America, the board of governors of the Orthodox Union, and the board of directors of North American Conference of Ethiopian Jewry. Many other organizations and centers of Jewish learning benefit from his dedication and leadership includingYeshivat Shaalvim, Yeshivat Beit Medrash L'Torah, the Midtown Board of Kashruth, and the Manhattan Orthodox Caucus. He served on the board of directors of Project Dorot and was chairman of the UJA-Federation Task Force on Jewish Singles.

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