Checking the Mezuza in Elul Browse the shiurim

Why is there a custom to check our mezuzot in Elul? Is there a deeer connection to this time of year?

Blowing Shofar in Elul Browse the shiurim

Wake up from your slumber and prepare for Rosh Hashana with lessons and laws of blowing the shofar in Elul.

Elul on YUTorah Browse the shiurim

We find ourselves in the period of time of "Ani Ledodi Vedodi Li," when we prepare for the Teshuva of the Yamim Noraim. Learn more about the customs, laws and lessons of this sacred, final month of the year.

Daily Gemara shiur at YU Join a daily shiur with one of the YU Roshei Yeshiva

from the many daily shiurim offered in YU, either on the mesechta that YU is learning that year, or one of the advanced halacha shiurim on various topics in Yoreh Deah

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