Shaar Habitachon (2) - The Baal Bitachon Fears No One; The Holy Alchemist (Part I)

Ask speaker
June 19 2018
50min 40s

Venue: Teaneck, NJ Teaneck, NJ


Collections: R' Moshe Tzvi Weinberg Chovos Halevavos

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    1. Title: baal bitochon
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : scott Greenbaum &##44;

      Good afternoon Rabbi. In the first shiur you describe the scenario of a plane going down and what the perspective of a ba'al bitochon should be. I might think that he would, ideally be in a state of menuchas hanefesh and be saying something like tehillim 33, 'hinay ain Hashem .....lamyachalim l'chasdo...l'hazil mimavet nafsham.. We hope to be saved to continue our avodah but perhaps this is the din and we say Shema, I would be interested to hear your take on this notion. For myself it seems useful to know what our ideal machshava should be(we often learn this from stories of our tzadikim). Thanks for the shiurim

    2. Title: baal bitochon
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : scott Greenbaum &##44;

      Good afternoon Rabbi. In the first shiur you describe the scenario of a plane going down and what the perspective of a ba'al bitochon should be. I might think that he would, ideally be in a state of menuchas hanefesh and be saying something like tehillim 33, 'hinay ain Hashem .....lamyachalim l'chasdo...l'hazil mimavet nafsham.. We hope to be saved to continue our avodah but perhaps this is the din and we say Shema, I would be interested to hear your take on this notion. For myself it seems useful to know what our ideal machshava should be(we often learn this from stories of our tzadikim). Thanks for the shiurim

    3. Title: baal bitochon
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : scott Greenbaum &##44;

      Good afternoon Rabbi. In the first shiur you describe the scenario of a plane going down and what the perspective of a ba'al bitochon should be. I might think that he would, ideally be in a state of menuchas hanefesh and be saying something like tehillim 33, 'hinay ain Hashem .....lamyachalim l'chasdo...l'hazil mimavet nafsham.. We hope to be saved to continue our avodah but perhaps this is the din and we say Shema, I would be interested to hear your take on this notion. For myself it seems useful to know what our ideal machshava should be(we often learn this from stories of our tzadikim). Thanks for the shiurim

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