Eretz Chafetz (34) Disappearing Men

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September 23 2016
46min 7s
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  1. Title: disapearing men
    Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : yosefkorn . &##44;

    shalom ubracha i would like to thank you for you thousands of hours of shiurim which i listen to raptly, without this site and others i wouldnt have learned so much of missing education that i never heard. i listened to this shiur and i almost through a brick at the wall. i understand why you would tie consistency to disapearing men, i can tell you that i was a 'disapearing man' until i finally hit the sack and now cut myself off fully from the public domain. it was not because i didnt want people to see me and the inconsistency, it was because shuls have become the most depressing places to come into contact with. they are full of victimised people who have tzorus ayin and stare you down til the only thing that you can do is either go to the ezras noshim or leave. i tried the ezras noshim but they started locking them until i was forced out. (by the way i live in london, one of the most antisocial places in the world), im making arangements to leave and you could say its my fault but tachlis is i left because there is so much tzorus ayin in these environs i would have commited s. i learn more than ever now with the net. my kehilah is my shiurim online and seforim that are readily accesible. i have turned to it because there is no kehila and when you interact with the kehila you better get out before you get drained of any sanity or life left within you. anyway, i understand from the thread of your other shiurim people like me arent completelty to blame for our antics, but i cant take the rubbish anymore and left. i am not angry at your observation, though i think you should take into account what i have just stated above. on other horizons i dont know if this is a useful tool but here is a complete shas menukad online thanks and hatzlocha