The G-d Fearing Mentch # 1- No seperation between Yeshiva students and Baalei-Batim

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August 25 2014
24min 33s


The philosophy of my rebbe, Rav Yehuda Amital z"l.

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    1. Title: Defining "Yir'as Shamayim"
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Levi Goldman &##44;

      <p>"If what only governs you is the fear of Heaven, sometimes it can come on the cheshbon of being a mensch. How many people do we know that look religious, act religious, eat the only highest kashrus in the world, but have no problem to cheat on taxes? How many people do we know who are so makpid on Hilchos Shabbos, but when they come to shul, and someone's sitting in their chair, they put up a ruckus, like it's the worst thing in the world, like you stole a million dollars from them?"</p> <p>Here's my take on this:</p> <p>Cheating on taxes demonstrates a lack of <em>yir'as shamayim</em>. So does putting up a ruckus over losing a seat in shul. And - as the Rabbi mentioned - giving <em>tzedakah</em>&nbsp;with a sour face is a sin; committing any sin is necessarily a breach in <em>yir'as shamayim</em>. The Torah says <em>"lo signovu.</em>" The Torah says <em>"vehalachta bedrachav."&nbsp;</em>The Torah says <em>"veahavta lere'acha kamocha," "lo sisna es achicha bilvavecha," "lo sikom velo sitor," "mipenei seivah takum vehadarta penei zaken," </em>etc.&nbsp;I don't see how the "God-fearing" and "Mensch" are two interdependent ingredients, as the Rabbi described. The "Mensch" - as the Rabbi explained - is a dangerous creature when lacking <em>yir'as shamayim</em>. However, if someone is a true <em>yirei Shamayim</em>, his <em>yir'as Shamayim</em>&nbsp;will compell him to perform all of the <em>mitzvos</em>&nbsp;and avoid all of the <em>aveiros </em>(obviously in proportion to his <em>yir'as Shamayim</em>; after all, nobody's perfect). Any deficiency in "menschlichkeit" is by definition a lack of <em>yir'as Shamayim</em>. Similarly, a deficiency in <em>shemiras Shabbos</em>&nbsp;is representative of a lack of <em>yir'as Shamayim</em>&nbsp;as well.</p>

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