Munkatcher Rebbe's Curses. R' Elya Svei's Attack on Aish Hatorah. Cohen Marrying a Convert. R' Moshe Sternbuch on Inviting Non-Observant to Shabbat Meals. Severely Restricting Divorce. R' Menashe Klein-Mishneh Halachot on Kiruv of Soviet Jewry.

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May 26 2024
1h 43min 28s


Munkatcher Rebbe: Letters of בר קמצא to curse Bundists & Belzers. Widower lighting Shabbat candles before Plag. Similar Oslo responsum. R' Elya Svei's attack on Aish HaTorah: Unjustified. My language abilities. R' Shlomo Carlebach & the Rebbe. Lubavitcher Rebbe on eating by non-frum parents. The Go-Kosher kashering service. Kohen marrying a convert. מלמד להואיל. The Rav on such a couple who were already married. Motivation to go to Bnei Akiva. R' Rakeffet: Would not permit divorce until youngest child is age 70. R' Hirsch: Boys & girls high schools next to each other. Ezra Youth Movement. R' Moshe Sternbuch: A short bio. His view on inviting non-observant to Shabbat meals. Mishneh Halachot 13:190 on bringing תינוקות שנשבו closer to Torah & mitzvot inside the Soviet Union. Brief introduction to history of USSR & Soviet Jewry. Communism in 1917. Hostility to religion. Ban on religious coercion. The single functioning synagogue. The poor economic life of Soviet citizens. Chabad in USSR. Footage from Jerusalem on Soviet TV in lead-up to Six Day War. Reawakening of Soviet Jewry. Nativ (לשכת הקשר). The positive result of Refuseniks not moving to Israel immediately and en masse in 1970s.

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