Megillah Shiur#24 YCQ

Ask speaker
May 23 2024
1h 31min 46s

Venue: Yeshiva of Central Queens Yeshiva of Central Queens


References: Megilla: 27B  


Define biblical ribbis and rabbinic ribbis. How many levels of rabbinic ribbis are there? Is paying back a loan with interest incorporated in installments, biblical ribbis? Can one do a friend a favor, and charge way less than the interest of a bank, so that the friend can grow his business and become wealthy? Is one required to return the interest received? Are inheritors required to return the interest that their late father received? Can one be mekadesh a woman using the interest received from a loan? Why did the Rambam not include returning interest, in his 613 count? Can companies or societies charge interest? If one pledges to donate to a shul, can one back out? Who owns a shul? Is ribbis bein adam lamakom or bein adam lechaveiro? Why are the laws of ribbis in yoreh deah and not in choshen mishpat? Can one lend ribbis to a mumar? Does one need to return the lost object of a mumar? Why did the maskilim praise the Vilna Gaon as open minded? Why are there so many convoluted cases of ribbis in perek eizehu neshech? What is the theme of the sugya asking rabbis- in what merit did you live a long life? Should one have a mission in life? Should one choose one mitzva to excel in?

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