Ten Minute Halacha - Shechting Geese in Teives and Shevat

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January 19 2023
8min 47s

Series: Ten Minute Halacha

Venue: YU Wilf Campus YU Wilf Campus


Collections: R' Lebowitz Ten Minute Halacha: Kashrus

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    1. Title: mekoros, and he'ora
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Yisroel Wohlgelernter &##44;

      thanks for the interesting shiur. How can I find this article you quoted from Chakira? I am not familiar with the publication. Also- re: the tshuvas Maharshal you quoted about using כישוף to be מבטל כישוף. He says the same in יש"ש חולין פ"ח סי' יג. It is really a תשובת הרשב"א ח"א סי' תיג as well. It is mefurash in the ma'aseh in the end of המוציא יין (שבת פא ע"ב) thatRav chisda et al used kishuf to get the boat going again after the matrunisa stopped it with kishuf. There in shabbos rashi says they used "shem tahara" but the bach brings the rashi in chulin who says they used kishuf.

    2. Title: mekoros, and he'ora
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Yisroel Wohlgelernter &##44;

      thanks for the interesting shiur. How can I find this article you quoted from Chakira? I am not familiar with the publication. Also- re: the tshuvas Maharshal you quoted about using כישוף to be מבטל כישוף. He says the same in יש"ש חולין פ"ח סי' יג. It is really a תשובת הרשב"א ח"א סי' תיג as well. It is mefurash in the ma'aseh in the end of המוציא יין (שבת פא ע"ב) thatRav chisda et al used kishuf to get the boat going again after the matrunisa stopped it with kishuf. There in shabbos rashi says they used "shem tahara" but the bach brings the rashi in chulin who says they used kishuf.

    3. Title: mekoros, and he'ora
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Yisroel Wohlgelernter &##44;

      thanks for the interesting shiur. How can I find this article you quoted from Chakira? I am not familiar with the publication. Also- re: the tshuvas Maharshal you quoted about using כישוף to be מבטל כישוף. He says the same in יש"ש חולין פ"ח סי' יג. It is really a תשובת הרשב"א ח"א סי' תיג as well. It is mefurash in the ma'aseh in the end of המוציא יין (שבת פא ע"ב) thatRav chisda et al used kishuf to get the boat going again after the matrunisa stopped it with kishuf. There in shabbos rashi says they used "shem tahara" but the bach brings the rashi in chulin who says they used kishuf.

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