Yeshiva University and Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary presents

Individual Articles download
  • Rabbi Yaakov Glasser: "Introduction"
  • Rabbi Eliyahu Alpert: "The Winning Ticket"
  • Rabbi Yehuda Balsam: "Accepting the Torah through Hidden Miracles"
  • Rabbi Donny Besser: "Amalek and the Stunning Power of Spiritual Genetics"
  • Rabbi Yehuda Chanales: "Menucha V'Simcha Ohr LaYehudim: Commemorating Shabbos & Amalek"
  • Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom: "Mordekhai, Son of Yair"
  • Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot: "Purim: From the Grassroots Up"
  • Rabbi Allan Houben: "Purim: It's More than Meets the Eye"
  • Rabbi Moshe Hubner: "Assemble the Jews: Assimilation is not an Option"
  • Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner: "Disconnection and Connection in Binyamin and Esther"
  • Rabbi Effie Kleinberg: "Those Who Bowed Down Were No Better Off"
  • Rabbi Aaron Levitt: "Uncovering Our Hidden Greatness"
  • Rabbi David Nachbar: "Turning the Ordinary into the Extraordinary: The Status of Yom Purim in Rambam's Mishneh Torah"
  • Rabbi Benjy Owen: "Shoshanat Ya'akov: Seeing Mordechai through Rose-Colored Glasses"
  • Ms. Sarah Robinson: "Kriyat Megillat Esther with Its Te'amim"
  • Rabbi Kenneth Schiowitz: "The Dawn of Jewish History"
  • Rabbi Moshe Schochet: "Purim: A Recommitment to Torah Sheba'al Peh"
  • Mrs. Atara Segal: "The Space Between Us: The Role of Place in the Purim Story"
  • Rabbi Sandy Shulkes: "The Hidden Meaning"
  • Rabbi Elon Soniker: "Purim: Finding Meaning and Passion in Our Mitzvos"
  • Rabbi Aryeh Stechler: "Video Conferencing the Megillah"
  • Rabbi Joshua Strulowitz: "How the Mitzvot of Purim Unmask Us"
  • Rabbi Meir Tannenbaum: "Living in a Walled City"
  • Rabbi Zacharia Weitz: "Loshon Hara You ve Got to Hear"
  • Learning on the Marcos and Adina Katz YUTorah site is sponsored today by Dr. Barry and Marcia Wagner Levinson in honor of their children and grandchildren