The Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary presents

Chag HaSemikhah To-Go 5784
  • Rabbi Michael Taubes: Divrei Pesicha
  • Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz: Divrei Bracha

  • Previous Addresses to the RIETS Chag Hasemikhah
  • Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman - "Standing at the Crossroads: The Migdal vs. the Mizbeach"
    Adapted from Rabbi Dr. Berman's Chag HaSemikhah address from the previous Chag (5782/2021) honoring Rabbi Joel Schreiber.
  • Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm zt"l - "Divrei Chag be-Chag"
    Originally printed in Tradition's Rabbi Norman Lamm Memorial Volume. Reprinted with permission.

  • Passing the Torch: Insights from the Future Leaders of the Jewish Community
  • Rabbi Elly Deutsch - "Rav Chessed and the Job of the Rabbi"
  • Rabbi Ephraim Miretzky - "Four Lessons from Avraham Avinu"
  • Rabbi Netanel Muskat - "A Rebbe or a Talmid?"
  • Rabbi Shimmy Steinmetz - "A Healthy Fear of Heaven: The Precondition to Serving as a Rabbi"
  • Rabbi Avraham Wein - "The Little Mizbeach and the Big Ark: A Lesson For Leaders"
  • Learning on the Marcos and Adina Katz YUTorah site is sponsored today by Dr. Barry and Marcia Wagner Levinson in honor of their children and grandchildren