Yeshiva University and Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary presents

Individual Articles download
  • Rabbi Yaakov Glasser: "Introduction"
  • Rabbi Eliyahu Alpert: "The Winning Ticket"
  • Rabbi Yehuda Balsam: "Accepting the Torah through Hidden Miracles"
  • Rabbi Donny Besser: "Amalek and the Stunning Power of Spiritual Genetics"
  • Rabbi Yehuda Chanales: "Menucha V'Simcha Ohr LaYehudim: Commemorating Shabbos & Amalek"
  • Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom: "Mordekhai, Son of Yair"
  • Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot: "Purim: From the Grassroots Up"
  • Rabbi Allan Houben: "Purim: It's More than Meets the Eye"
  • Rabbi Moshe Hubner: "Assemble the Jews: Assimilation is not an Option"
  • Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner: "Disconnection and Connection in Binyamin and Esther"
  • Rabbi Effie Kleinberg: "Those Who Bowed Down Were No Better Off"
  • Rabbi Aaron Levitt: "Uncovering Our Hidden Greatness"
  • Rabbi David Nachbar: "Turning the Ordinary into the Extraordinary: The Status of Yom Purim in Rambam's Mishneh Torah"
  • Rabbi Benjy Owen: "Shoshanat Ya'akov: Seeing Mordechai through Rose-Colored Glasses"
  • Ms. Sarah Robinson: "Kriyat Megillat Esther with Its Te'amim"
  • Rabbi Kenneth Schiowitz: "The Dawn of Jewish History"
  • Rabbi Moshe Schochet: "Purim: A Recommitment to Torah Sheba'al Peh"
  • Mrs. Atara Segal: "The Space Between Us: The Role of Place in the Purim Story"
  • Rabbi Sandy Shulkes: "The Hidden Meaning"
  • Rabbi Elon Soniker: "Purim: Finding Meaning and Passion in Our Mitzvos"
  • Rabbi Aryeh Stechler: "Video Conferencing the Megillah"
  • Rabbi Joshua Strulowitz: "How the Mitzvot of Purim Unmask Us"
  • Rabbi Meir Tannenbaum: "Living in a Walled City"
  • Rabbi Zacharia Weitz: "Loshon Hara You ve Got to Hear"
  • Learning on the Marcos and Adina Katz YUTorah site is sponsored today by Miriam & Alan Goldberg and Ruth Peyser Kestenbaum to mark the twelfth yahrtzeit of their father, Irwin Peyser, Harav Yisroel Chaim ben R' Dovid V' Fraidah Raizel Peyser and by Dr. Harris & Elisheva Teitz Goldstein l'zecher nishmos his parents, Rabbi Dr. Noah Goldstein, HaRav Noach ben Yitzchak David zt'l, and Beverly Goldstein, Bayla bas Noach Ze'ev z'l, on their yahrzeits this week and byStefanie & Simon Wolf, Ronne & Joshua Penn, Adina & Kenny Jungreis and Marcy & Michael Charish in loving memory ofTobias Jungreis, טוביה בן יואל צבי הלוי, their extraordinary giant of a father, grandfather and great grandfather, loving and uniquely energetic and passionate about making the most of every blessed day