Rav Aharon Lichtenstein zt"l Browse his shiurim

This week marks the ninth yahrtzeit of Rav Lichtenstein zt"l. Gain an appreciation of his greatness with his shiurim on YUTorah for an aliyah for his neshama.

Reishit Tzmichat Ge'ulateinu Celebrating Yom Haatzmaut

The founding of the State of Israel is something more than just an independence day for the Jewish people. Learn more about the religious and historical significance of the Jewish state and what it means for us today.

Shiurim on Yom Hazikaron Browse the shiurim

What is the religious significance of Yom Hazikaron, and how does it transition to Yom Haatzmaut?

Make Sefira Count Shiurim on Sefirat Haomer

Gain a better understanding of the laws, customs and lessons of Sefirat Haomer, from the day after Pesach until the giving of the Torah.

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Learning on the Marcos and Adina Katz YUTorah site is sponsored today by the Goldberg and Mernick Families in loving memory of the yahrzeit of Illean K. Goldberg, Chaya Miriam bas Chanoch and for a refuah shleimah for יעקב דוב בן פלה ציפורה