Sweeping, Mopping, Riding Bikes and Pushing Strollers on Shabbos

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December 05 2017
56min 55s

Series: Contemporary Halacha

Venue: Young Israel of Woodmere Young Israel of Woodmere


Collections: R' Shay Schachter YIW BMP Women's Halacha Class


YIW BMP - Women's Halacha Class - Practical applications of Maleches Choresh - מלאכת חורש בשבת

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    1. Title: Strollers
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : yehuda kohn &##44;

      Thank you so much for all the wonderful inspiring divrei Torah You share. Here in Israel we certainly are benefiting from your wonderful words and efforts. The question a friend and I were discussing is why would a stroller be an issue of carrying at all, there's not akaara nor hanacha truly, or is there? Thank you so much. Yehuda

    2. Title: Strollers
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : yehuda kohn &##44;

      Thank you so much for all the wonderful inspiring divrei Torah You share. Here in Israel we certainly are benefiting from your wonderful words and efforts. The question a friend and I were discussing is why would a stroller be an issue of carrying at all, there's not akaara nor hanacha truly, or is there? Thank you so much. Yehuda

    3. Title: Strollers
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : yehuda kohn &##44;

      Thank you so much for all the wonderful inspiring divrei Torah You share. Here in Israel we certainly are benefiting from your wonderful words and efforts. The question a friend and I were discussing is why would a stroller be an issue of carrying at all, there's not akaara nor hanacha truly, or is there? Thank you so much. Yehuda

    4. Title:
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Teacher Reply &##44;

      This is an excellent question. If you have a chance, please look at Tosfos in Maseches Shabbos 8b where he discusses this very issue explicitly. The Rambam explains this concept as well in Hilchos Shabbos 13:11. Your question is one that certainly bothered the greatest if the Rishonim! Warm wishes for a meaningful Yom Tov! Shay Schachter Sent from my iPhone

    5. Title:
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Teacher Reply &##44;

      This is an excellent question. If you have a chance, please look at Tosfos in Maseches Shabbos 8b where he discusses this very issue explicitly. The Rambam explains this concept as well in Hilchos Shabbos 13:11. Your question is one that certainly bothered the greatest if the Rishonim! Warm wishes for a meaningful Yom Tov! Shay Schachter Sent from my iPhone