(22) Who Was Rav Hutner?

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May 16 2017
1h 38min 37s

Venue: YU Israel YU Israel


Collections: R' Rakeffet Jewish History Fall 2016

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    1. Title: Rav Hutner
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : baruch Kohain &##44;

      As a student at Netzach Yisroel in the mid 1970's, we talmidim heard Rav Gustman say, "one time they felt in Vilna that there were not enough illuyim in Vilna, so they sent out scouts and the scouts brought back three geniuses, one being Rav Hutner Rav Hutner came on occasion to the Thursday shiur cllalley. It was easy to see the love and appreciation between the two Roshei HaYeshiva. On another note, I once asked Rav Gustman if it was a good idea for the State of Israel to be established and Rav Gustman answered me 'yes, because a Jew should always have a place to run to (for shelter - survival). Appreciating your shiurim Boruch Mordechai Kohain

    2. Title: would prefer not to have heard
      Author: True == 1 ? Anonymous : Anonymous &##44;

      <p>With all due respect. There was some lashon hara [or motzi shem ra] about a talmid chochom said during the course of the shiur. The shiur is sufficiently interesting without it.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>thank you</p>

    3. Title: Rebbetzin David's doctorate
      Author: True == 1 ? Anonymous : Anonymous &##44;

      <p>Rabbi Rakefet theorizes that Rebbetzin David's doctorate was really about her father Rav Hutner's struggles. He cites zero proof for his assertion. Rebbetzin David is Baruh Hashem alive and well and she can be asked. There is no need to engage in speculation.&nbsp;</p>

    4. Title: Who Was Rav Hutner Really
      Author: True == 1 ? Anonymous : Anonymous &##44;

      <p>In order to properly understand "who rav hutner was" it is imperative to study his thought [as delineated in the Pachad Yitzchak and the Sefer Zikaron with his name], search for his sources and influences, compare and contrast him to other roshei yeshiva, thinkers and philosophers etc.&nbsp;</p>