Kiddushin 79 - Mikadeish Chatzi Isha - Ibaiyos D'Rava

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February 22 2017
1h 8min 12s

Series: Daily Shiur

Venue: YU Wilf Campus YU Wilf Campus


Collections: R' Koenigsberg Kiddushin 5777

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    1. Title: Kiddushin 7b
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Gabriel Mammon &##44;

      Rashi and the Tosafot Rii seem to differ on the reasoning why the Kiddushin is not chal in the case of chatzi isha bchetzi prutah vchatzi isha bchetzi prutah; Rashi is going on the fact that one can't marry half of a woman, and the Rii is going on the fact that one can't be koneh with half a prutah. I was wondering what triggered each to say it as they did, and if they hold of each others reasoning, since there ARE two tzdaddim to the case, & both have valid points. Lastly there seems to be a girsa change in the the Rii; "paskah lemiltah", as opposed to rashis "paskah." I'm wondering if this may have had something to do with how they formulated their pshat. (Maybe "paskah" implies; "assuming there isn't a problem of making a kinyan with less than a prutah, there's still the issue of marrying 2 halves of a woman," & "paskah lemiltah" implies; "forget the problem of marrying 2 halves of a woman, there isn't even a substantial amount of money to get a kinyan going.") Rav thank you so much for your time! -Gabriel M.

    2. Title: Kiddushin 7b
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Gabriel Mammon &##44;

      Rashi and the Tosafot Rii seem to differ on the reasoning why the Kiddushin is not chal in the case of chatzi isha bchetzi prutah vchatzi isha bchetzi prutah; Rashi is going on the fact that one can't marry half of a woman, and the Rii is going on the fact that one can't be koneh with half a prutah. I was wondering what triggered each to say it as they did, and if they hold of each others reasoning, since there ARE two tzdaddim to the case, & both have valid points. Lastly there seems to be a girsa change in the the Rii; "paskah lemiltah", as opposed to rashis "paskah." I'm wondering if this may have had something to do with how they formulated their pshat. (Maybe "paskah" implies; "assuming there isn't a problem of making a kinyan with less than a prutah, there's still the issue of marrying 2 halves of a woman," & "paskah lemiltah" implies; "forget the problem of marrying 2 halves of a woman, there isn't even a substantial amount of money to get a kinyan going.") Rav thank you so much for your time! -Gabriel M.