Being A Mashpia (11) Importance Of Noble Isolation

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February 17 2015
45min 15s


Collections: Rabbi Weinberger: Being a Mashpia


In a piece from Rav Kook called "Separation And Inclusion", Rebbe teaches the importance of combining both sides of the coin. The "going out" and the "coming in". Rav Yaakov Moshe Charlop would say about Rav Kook that his inner self was so high that it overflowed into his outer-self and his actions. That itself is what Rav Kook is talking about here. Of course the "going out" and being mashpia on others is important but even more important than that is having a strong inner self. One has to be able to be alone, think and work on himself before going out. And even once he goes out, he must keep up with his "coming in" to make sure it doesn't dry out.

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    1. Title: Eretz Yisroel Jew
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Carol Ungar &##44;

      Hi Rabbi Weinberger, I enjoy your shiurim very much and I find them very inspiring--my MP3 is full of them. While I usually agree with what you say, I must take exception to your remarks on the Eretz Yisrael Jew. I was raised with those same hollow Zionist messages but i can't agree that Eretz Yisroel is just a place. This country is a training ground for faith. Our whole existence is based on faith, It's no secret that our lives here are miraculous. We are completely and thoroughly dependent on G-d and many if not most people realize this even if they aren't officially "religious.". During the most recent war soldiers clamored for tzizit. One of my sons, a Breslov Hassid who traveled to the the open fields where soliders massed just before battle told me that they went to war singing "Anuchnu ma'aminim benai ma'amninim" which has almost become the national anthem here. Best

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