There Is No Despair (3) The Only Option - Learning To Lean On Hashem

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July 23 2012
53min 11s


Based on the Ma'amar "Ein Yei'ush Ba'Olam' in the sefer "Yichud Hahisbodedus" by Rav Avraham Tzvi Kluger. P. 3 The problem is not belief in tomorrow, it is belief in today. What will be UNTIL Hashem helps? Hashem promises that He'll BE with us until He will actually help. There are things that we accept in life because we have no choice - but we're not happy about that situation. There is something we can do to remove the paralysis of despair, of acceptance - to regain our inner tranquility and joy in life - while still stuck in the same situation. Use this yei'ush to move forward in life. The first step to regain control is to understand the purpose of our lives. The world was not created so that man should be 'happy.' Revealing Hashem's glory in this world and crowning Him King. Seeing a world that contradicts our faith and yet clinging to the belief that there is nothing besides Hashem. Accepting a moment of choice as an opportunity to beautify our life - hiddur mitzvah. What does a nissayon mean, and what exactly happens when Hashem removes the nissayon and only leaves one choice? The art of letting go - which can stem from yei'ush and leaving more in Hashem's hands.

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