The Ba'al Shem Tov's Program For Character Refinement (7) There Is ALWAYS Hope For EVERY Jew!

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August 22 2011
1h 18min 20s


P. 12. We have been educated to be honest with our failings, but most of us have never been educated in recognizing and strengthening our greatness. Every Jew has an inherent connection to the highest aspects of spiritual accomplishment. The inner light of Torah (pnimius) is what we need to leave the gallus of our neshamos. Only the inner world of Torah addresses who we really are. Learning pnimius haTorah opens a person up to very great lights. There is too much talking in our generation - not only in shul. Saying and doing things for a reason. Sharing our life, especially things that should remain private, with the whole world - without any reason whatsoever (e.g., Twitter). How do we recognize an exalted neshamah? A Jew must know that, no matter what his situation in life, he is ALWAYS walking with Hashem. It is very hard to have a crash course in bitachon. Hashem promised us on Shavuos at Har Sinai that He will remain with us always and will never leave us. Even when things are not working out so well we must strengthen ourselves. The story of Rebbi Eliezer ben Durdaya - although he was steeped in disgusting sins, he alwasy believed that he could do teshuvah (return).

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