Shelach - The Connection between Meraglim, Libations and Challa

June 14 1996
Editor's Note: The following is based upon a private conversation between HaRav Drillman, zt"l and the editor that took place on 26 Sivan 5756 (6/14/96) based upon ideas expressed by Rabbeinu u'Moreinu HaGaon HaRav Yosef Dov HaLevi Soloveitchik, zt"l at a Shiur given on Tuesday evening, June 18, 1974. BGK

1. "Send, for yourself, men, and have them scout the Land of Cana'an, which I am giving to Bnei Yisroel; one man, one man each, for his father's tribe you shall send them, each leader among them."

They spread slander about the land that they had scouted, to Bnei Yisroel, saying: "The land through which we have passed to scout it, is a land which consumes its inhabitants; and every one of the people we saw in it, are men of dimensions. There we saw the giants, the sons of the giant, of the Nephilim, and we were like grasshoppers in our eyes, and so we appeared in their eyes. The entire community arose and raised their voices; and the people wept that night.

2. "Speak to Bnei Yisroel, and say to them, when you arrive into the land in which you will dwell, which I am giving to you.

When you make a fire-offering to Ad-noy, a burnt-offering or a sacrifice, by verbalizing as a pledge or as a donation or on your festivals to provide a pleasing fragrance to Ad-noy, from cattle or from sheep. When you eat from the bread of the land you shall separate a terumah for Ad-noy. [From] the first portion of your doughs you shall separate a loaf as a separated portion; like the terumah-gift of the granary, so shall you separate it.

----- We read in Parshas Shelach of the Parshas HaMeraglim, the mitzvos of the Nesochim (libations) and of the mitzvah of Challah. HaRav Drillman raised the question that is asked by Chazal as to what is the connection between these seemingly distinct and diverse sections. Both Rashi HaKadosh and the Ramban point out that the mitzvos of the Nesochim and of Challah were given to Klal Yisroel in order to console them and to reaffirm that HKB"H would eventually bring them into Eretz Yisroel despite the edict issued following the Cheit HaMeraglim. It is for this reason that the Torah "when you shall enter the land" since the Mitzvos of Nesochim and Challah did not apply while Klal Yisroel were in the wilderness , rather they were only obligated in these mitzvos once they had entered the land.

HaRav Drillman explained in the name of The Rav as follows: there are two Korbanos Tomid brought daily, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The morning Korban Tomid expresses our thanks to the Ribbono Shel Olam for our continued existence in the physical world. This is connected to the tefiloh of "Modeh Ani" that we say each morning to show appreciation to HKB"H for returning our neshomah to our physical body each morning. In fact, from the verse "Lo sochlu al hadam..." we learn that there is a prohibition of eating before Shacharis because one should not eat before thanking HKB"H for their continued existence in this world. It is the Birchos HaShachar that we say each morning that voices this appreciation to HKB"H for providing us with life and our basic needs.

HaRav Drillman pointed out that the Halacha is that with regards to Teffilas Mincha we are required to interrupt our meal in order to daven if we have not yet done so. It is interesting to note that even though Tefilas Mincha was established to replace the afternoon Korban Tomid, it is the Korban Mincha aspect and the Nesochim that are associated with that korban that we stress. Another interesting aspect of the Tefilas Mincha is seen in comparison to tefilas Shacharis. During Shacharis we focus on our appreciation to HKB"H for our continued existence, while in the afternoon we emphasize our thanks for those luxuries granted to us beyond our basic needs, even though we are not often worthy. This is interesting because the Korban Tomid that was brought in the afternoon, stresses the Korban Minchas HaErev and its associated Nesochim. Additionally, this korban is meant to express our thanks to the Ribbono Shel Olam for granting us success above the bare minimum required for our existence.

Let us know turn our attention to the Parshas HaMeraglim. Why were the Meraglim punished for giving a report of their impressions of the land that they formed while on their mission?

According to the Ramban the Meraglim added the statements that the inhabitants were very strong and would be difficult to overcome which would make it hard to conquer the land as well as the description of the land as one that consumes its inhabitants. HaRav Drillman said that The Rav explained that the Meraglim were telling Klal Yisroel that the nature of the land is such that it is very difficult for a person to earn a living therein. The Meraglim were basically telling the people that a similar amount of work in a different land would yield a much greater return than the same amount of work in Eretz Yisroel.

HKB"H told Klal Yisroel that when they finally do enter Eretz Yisroel the Halacha of Nesochim will be applicable. The purpose of HKB"H telling this to Bnei Yisroel was to indicate that there would be great wealth to be attained as long as Klal Yisroel were to keep the Mitzvos. In return, Klal Yisroel will express their thanks through the Mitzvah of Korbanos and their associated Nesochim.

Yet why, asked HaRav Drillman, does the Torah introduce the Mitzvah of Challah here? In order to understand this mitzvah's placement one must examine the mitzvah of Challah as it relates to other mitzvos that are agricultural in nature. As an example of this HaRav Drillman examined the mitzvah of Terumos and Ma'asros. These mitzvos, we find, are in reality a Chovas Karka. The obligation is dependant upon the manifestation of the growing cycle in Nature. For example, the obligation to separate Terumah and Ma'aser from the crops does not exist until the crops attain Hava'as Shlish, i.e. they grow to a third of the average size of that particular species. Furthermore, the Terumah and Ma'aser is taken from the crop in its natural form, without any, or at least, minimal work on the part of Man. In comparison, the mitzvah of Challah is applicable only after Man has put a significant amount of effort into turning the raw materials into a finished product through, for example, the baking process.

According to Chazal in the Medresh, Turnus Rufus asked Rabbi Akiva that if HKB"H detests those who are not circumcised why did He not create Man to be born circumcised? Rabbi Akiva answered by asking Turnus Rufus which is preferable grain or a baked cake or cookie. Turnus Rufus answered that the finished product was more desirable then raw grain. To this Rabbi Akiva responded that if one looks at Nature he will find that we do not find baked products growing on the trees. Rather the Ribbono Shel Olam provides Man with the basic raw materials and the tools to perfect the world. This is known as the concept of Tikkun Olam. Man must seize the opportunity presented to him and, K'vayachol, perfect Creation. This is the lesson to be learned from the fact that Man was created with the need for circumcision.

In comparison, the Mitzvah of Challah teaches us that prosperity is earned based upon the effort that one puts in to the Mitzvas Hashem. Eretz Yisroel can be made a prosperous place for Klal Yisroel if we are willing to implement this idea. HKB"H provides us with the raw materials and the tools and we are asked to be, K'vayachol, His partners in creation by building upon that which he has given us.

Bnei Yisroel were told not be fear Eretz Yisroel. If they were willing to make the effort then they will reap the rewards of the land. This is the reason the Meraglim were punished. Their statements were phrased in such a way as to strike fear in the hearts of the people. The observations of the Meraglim could have been phrased in such a way so as not to cause the people to doubt the promise made to them by HKB"H. Furthermore, the Meraglim should not have doubted the promise made to them, as part of Klal Yisroel, BY HKB"H that they would be able to conquer the land. It is for this reason the episode of the Meraglim ended with the punishment enacted against Klal Yisroel.

The lesson of the mitzvah of Challah is for us to remember that not everything will be handed to us on a silver platter and that very often we must put in various amounts of effort in order to reap the benefits that this world has to offer.


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